News Story
Our mobile canteen has this evening left the Sky Convention Centre and has returned to its base at City Fire Station. But the job's not over yet. After re-stocking and cleaning, it'll be back on the job in the morning for the fifth day in a row, ready in time to serve morning tea to firefighters and other emergency services' personnel. Our members have maintained the canteen continuously since Tuesday afternoon when the fire broke out in the partially-completed Convention Centre. Keeping the large emergency workforce fed has not been easy... traditional meal hours cannot be observed as firefighters can only be released from the fire-front by rotation, a few at a time. So meals have been made available around the clock: many hundreds have been served over the 4 days with much of the food donated by well-wishers. Meanwhile, recovery operations have continued today and again the unusual tactic to use construction cranes has been deployed. Firefighters on platforms are slung out and over the burnt roof enabling them to quickly attack any remaining pockets of fire and to secure loose roofing and debris.